Saturday Bonus: Goals

Goals are never straight forward


We all have them. Some big, some small and some that - for some reason -seem to always stay just beyond our grasp. Like if we could only reach one more inch or hang on a little bit longer we’d have made it. That beautiful goal we set for ourselves would be securely in our hands. As if our one true self had been awakened; we would feel the heart in our chest come alive with excitement and smile that brilliant smile of success.

That all sounds like a dream don’t it? It might make you question if dreamers are the only ones in life that truly succeed. The problem with that is…we are all dreamers. We all set some type of goals. It may be a goal as simple and small as brushing my hair today or putting on pants. Perhaps it’s a little bigger and the goal is to walk 10,000 steps or make it through 30 minutes of an exercise DVD.

Goals are dreams with deadlines

What if it’s even bigger than that? What if our goal is to write a book, run a marathon, or lose 100 pounds? Goals come in every shape and size; some may seem insignificant in the small scheme of things but nevertheless important. Some may even seem like huge mass of destruction that's out to eat us alive just for merely attempting to reach them.

Sometimes I feel that way, like I take 10 steps backwards for every 3 I make forward. I can give you a PRIME example actually. If you have a Facebook Fan (business) page then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

This week I’ve been on a mission. You see, I set a goal for myself. My Coach has 302 likes on her “fan page”. At the beginning of this mission I had 42 or so. I also just started the page on January 17, 2016.  This mission is far from over; I’m still aiming to pass her up. At this moment, 6:35 p.m. on January 30, 2016 - I currently have 130 likes. I feel like I’ve done pretty well so far.

I'm the Girl who failed Gym Class

HOWEVER…I’ve been watching those numbers very closely and I will go from 132 to 126 and then climb back to 127 and finally to 128 only to drop back to 126 again! I understand some people may be invited to my page, like it, take a look around and decide it’s not for them or they’re not sure they want to get to know me and unlike it. I get that. But when you are watching these numbers go back and forth and back and forth, it truly does feel like for every 3 steps forward you take 10 back.

If you don’t have a Facebook “fan page” and you are on a weight loss journey imagine those numbers I’m mentioning above as if they’re the numbers on your scale…I know many of you can relate to that! You know when you plateau and it seems as if the number NEVER moves or it might drop a pound and be right back tomorrow? Yeah, I know you do! Go ahead and say AMEN, Sister! It’s okay, Preach it!

That’s the way it is with any goal you set. There will always be obstacles in the way. Our desire to reach the goal has to be stronger than the obstacles in our way. Otherwise, we risk giving up, quitting and never reaching that goal. And no matter how silly, small or insignificant it may be to someone – if it’s important enough we won’t let go, we’ll hang on for all we’re worth and we will succeed.

Most people set goals at the end of the year. New Year’s Resolutions…most gyms are PACKED for the first 3 weeks of the New Year. Then after 3 weeks you notice once again that your coveted parking spot is empty. Little by little they trickle back out of the gym, but you will still notice a few new faces. Why? Because the strong survive! They stay. They tough it out…they hang on. 

They’ve had something occur in their lives or maybe it was a shift in the universe, but either way a healthier life has become of major importance to them and they’re not willing to let it go. They are the ones that inspire the gym rats and if you look closely enough they’re probably inspiring every person they know or meet. I find the most awesome thing about that is that they don’t even know it! 

Goals Possible Dream

You may feel as you walk into that gym for the first time and for weeks after that everyone is watching you and just waiting for you to fail. That couldn't be further from the truth. They are watching you, but not to see if you fail. They're watching and waiting for YOU to inspire them.

You know what I think helps people hang on, succeed and eventually become known as one of the “gym rats”? They don’t make goals (resolutions) just once that year. They re-evaluate them over and over. They have small goals and big goals.
This is why this topic is on my mind today; it’s time for me to re-evaluate.  

I started out on January 6th 2016, just aiming to get back to my former healthy active self. I didn’t have clear defined goals. I have some now and I know they’ll change regularly, just like the number of likes on my fan page.

So as we roll into February 2016, I’ve some things I need/want to accomplish. Goals. Small ones. I’m posting this today – in hopes that you’ll read it and take a moment to reflect and set some of your own before we journey on into February, with goals in place we have a much better chance of success.

Small Goals

Here are the things I would like to accomplish in February and I know they’re going to take hard work, but that’s okay. I’m ready!

  • Complete 1 round of 21 Day Fix Extreme
  • Read 5 Personal Development Books
  • Reach 500 likes on my fan page – you can help me with that by clicking the “invite friends to like this page” beneath the profile picture and by sharing the page or some of the posts you enjoy reading or watching.
  • To post 3-5 videos a week (from me personally) on my fan page and figure out periscope!
  • To kiss 160 goodbye! I’ve approximately 7 lbs to go…
  • To continue eating clean and drinking water
  • To find 1 new Challenger, 1 new Shakeology customer and 1 new Coach
  • Not to miss a Team or Coach call
  • Keep blogging
  • To help at least ONE person by continuing to share my journey
  • To make new friends!

Now, it’s your turn. Sit down and reflect on the things you did accomplish this month and then make a list of 10 or less SMALL goals that you want to accomplish in February. Write them down and when you re-evaluate again at the end of the month in preparation for March you’ll be able to mark some things off and create room for new small goals. Make sure each of these goals you set are stepping stones towards your overall BIG goals. You are laying the foundation to your dreams, remember that.

Got Goals

One of my BIG goals is to reach 135 pounds and running ½ marathons again.

Don’t be upset or let go if you have to carry a small goal over to the following month – just keep trying to reach it. It’s probably right there, just like a word on the tip of your tongue, so don’t let go!

We will overcome the obstacles that stand in our way together. I’m right here with you, walking this journey with you and here to talk if you need to. You are not alone in this journey.

Let’s make February 2016, AMAZING!!!

Goals Amazing Successful


~Coach Tonya~

Stop wishing Plan

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