Month in Review

This has been an AWESOME month! I started really monitoring what I was eating and following the 21 Day Fix eating plan. I’ve been walking. I haven’t done much more than that.

Over Christmas I realized, this has got to stop! I’m miserable with myself. I have got to fix this. I would step on the scale and it wouldn’t move or it would move the wrong direction. The scale was tipping dangerously close to 175! Thankfully, I didn’t see that number but 174 didn’t bring me happiness either!

I felt I’d failed myself. I just checked completely out of life and gained 40 pounds. What the heck? Why did I do that? Why did I let it get that far before I checked back in? I KNOW BETTER!!!

I did not make New Year’s Resolutions. My husband was offered a job in Virginia which we are all excited about and looking forward to the move. So I set a goal; a BIG one. I want to lose 40 pounds and be back in shape so that I can run ½ marathons again once we move.

On January 6th, 2016, (a Wednesday, not a Monday) I began to put that goal into action. I had already lost 2.2 pounds – which could have come back with friends the next day for all I knew and I didn’t want that to happen. I have been focused and determined. I have had a few treats here and there but not a day of complete “cheats” if you know what I mean.

As a matter of fact I can tell you the exact cheats I’ve had:
  • Olive Garden & Birthday Cake for my husband’s birthday.
  • 2 cookies
  • 2 small bowls of bunny tracks ice cream
  • A bite of pizza

I’ve had no sweet tea, no coffee creamer or sugared up coffees, no Pepsi. I’ve had water and water and water. I feel I have been on point and I feel it’s paid off.

As of today I am down a total of 6.8 pounds since Christmas. 4.6 of those since January 6th, 2016. I’d say it has been a successful month!

Now, we move into February and my goal is to lose 7.3 pounds.

Tomorrow, I add in the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and I’m looking forward to another amazing month. I hope you are hanging in for the journey and I look forward to hearing your successes and cheering you on! Let’s make it another GREAT month!

~Coach Tonya~

Like my Facebook page and share your journey with me! 

1 comment

  1. im proud of you and I am here supporting u every step of this journey love you


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