One Word:Consistency

consistency is key

So if you've known me for very long - then you know one of my biggest struggles is CONSISTENCY.  I do good for a few weeks, maybe even a month or so and then all the sudden my streak of CONSISTENCY seems to evaporate before my very eyes!  I wish I knew why I struggle so strongly with this, but I've no answer.  All I know to do is keep trying, each and every day.  

That seems to be the rule of thumb with just about any endeavor we set out to accomplish.  If at first you don't succeed: TRY AGAIN!  Sometimes things may be smooth sailing and others we may feel as if we are bashing our heads against a brick wall.  I pretty much feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall.  Sadly, that brick wall has a name and her name is: TONYA.  

Yep, you heard me.  The brick wall is me. I am my own worst enemy.  I do great and then I stop.  No rhyme or reason why, it just happens.  I believe it to be one of my most annoying traits and it must be, because it annoys me even the ME who is causing it!  Can anybody out there relate to what I am saying here?  

Recently on Facebook I've seen people posting this thing about "their word".  Now, whether they've been assigned this word by someone, themselves or God, I know not.  However, I'm taking some inspiration from them and assigning myself a word.  Have you figured out what it is yet?  Exactly...CONSISTENCY!  

I have got to learn to be CONSISTENT!  I have got to do better at this.  How can I succeed at anything if I don't?  I have 99 unfinished projects because I lack CONSISTENCY and I've several more projects planned for this year that will go incomplete without CONSISTENCY.  I need to lose some weight and get back to where I was happy.  The road to happiness is CONSISTENCY.  

I am so miserable with myself that I cannot even explain it.  I failed myself BIG TIME!  I was doing so GREAT in England and then, well I can tell you everything that happened, but honestly what it boils down to is my CONSISTENCY sunk down to the bottom of the ocean and I didn't bother to pick it back up quick enough.  

Yes, life throws us unexpected curve balls.  Yes, we lose people we love and struggle with grief.  Yes, we get depressed and lose sight of our goals.  Yes, we move some place new and lose our accountability partners.  Yes, we fall down...  The good news is: WE GET BACK UP.  

We have the CHOICE to continue to be miserable and unhappy with ourselves.  We have the CHOICE to get up and do something about it to make it better.  We have the CHOICE to TRY again and again and again for the rest of our lives.  The hang up here is, I can't make the CHOICE for you and you cannot make it for me.  We have to dig down and find the strength to put forth the effort once more and that is wholly up to each individual person, no matter how badly another may wish it for them. 

It's like having a spouse that smokes.  You want them to quit so badly because you want them to be healthier, because you don't want to lose them too early in life.  Forever isn't long enough.  You can't stop them from smoking, you can't nag it out of them, you can't wish it can't do anything but pray CONSISTENTLY that they beat the addiction.  That they decide to dig down and try once more to break the habit that is slowly diminishing their quality of life.  

Now, let's talk about weight loss.  You can't wish it off.  There isn't a magic pill to take it away.  Your spouse can't nag it off of you.  You know those extra pounds are diminishing your quality of life too, right? The only person that can take it off of you is YOU and the only way you will succeed is by being CONSISTENT.  

So once again I am putting one foot in front of the other and trying to reach the goals I have for myself.  I am so unsure of my ability to be CONSISTENT that even though I'm writing this blog, I'm not going to share it yet.  I want to see just how CONSISTENT I can be first. I'm going to give it a full month before I publish each post, by then maybe I'll have a little more confidence in my ability and you as my readers will have a little confidence that there just might be something to read, hopefully it's worthy of your visit. 

I will know by the end of the year if I have succeeded with my word.  My goal is to write every other day.  That's approximately 182 posts by the year's end.  Let's see how well I do, shall we? 

A few bullet points:
  • Today, I begin my journey to CONSISTENCY...again.
  • Today, I started by walking 1 mile.
  • Today, I started by journaling and blogging.

Coach Tonya

Write it down!

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