Yes, you read correctly. I
failed gym class.
How is that possible you might ask? Well...when you refuse to dress out and participate it's pretty darn possible. I admit, that was a long time ago, BUT when I look at pictures of events I've attended, races I've ran and competitions I've competed in and I think to myself...
WHY was I so bullheaded?!
Why did my 8th grade self, have such a bad attitude towards fitness, what happened? I'm not exactly sure I know the answer to that. The year before I'd been on the basketball team and sadly dismissed because that same year I was diagnosed with Asthma. All the sudden I had a medical excuse and I let it be my reason. I couldn't participate because I have asthma. I didn't try out for anymore sports. I didn't do anything that really qualified as exercise...except swimming during the summers. Back then, I didn't feel I had to do anything. I was 117 pounds and a size 0. I lived a diet of Pepsi, Pizza and Doritos. My Mom always told me my bad habits would eventually catch up to me.
After 2 children, a bout of depression and life's stresses in general my Mom proved to be absolutely correct. It all caught up to me. My husband was deployed in 2011 and I flew from England to Missouri with the children to spend the summer at home. During that time my Mom wanted family photos taken. I hate the way I look in those photos.
My Mom had suffered an injury and required a major surgery on her
foot. She'd completed P90X and it was ALL she talked about! It drove me crazy!
I wanted her to SHUT UP! I didn't want to call her or talk to her because I
would hear nothing but P90X this and that. She'd lost a lot of weight and like
18 inches. Then the injury happened and it took her down, way down. She gained
all her weight back and was/is miserable about it. She was sitting in the driver’s
seat and I in the passenger seat. I have no idea where we were going but I
noticed how the seat belt cut across her and how unhappy she looked in that
That was my moment. That was when it clicked. I didn't want to look like that to my children, to my myself. I didn't want to be miserable. So when I returned home to England I did 3 things.
1. I became a non-complaint patient. I threw all my medications in
the trash and I had a lot.
2. I started working out at home...but it wasn't enough.
3. I started a class called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and I hired an amazing Personal Trainer; Mr. Herman Hicks.
That's right I DO have Asthma, but I was sick of letting
it control me! I found the more I did physically the less attacks I
had. I loved seeing just what I could do, what I was actually capable of doing!
Which was far more than I had ever given myself credit for!
I returned to the states December 2011 - our first Christmas without my husband home - and by then I'd lost close to 16 pounds. I'd ran a few 5K's. I'd talked to my sister Holly and I asked if she wanted to do something crazy with me over Christmas break. Her response was, No. I begged. I only wanted to do a 5K with her. When I informed her of my "crazy" event she informed me that it was not crazy, that 13.1 and 26.2 were crazy and we should do one of them!
So with only a month to train, I bought us both a pair of shoes
and on December 18th we ran our first 1/2 marathon together. It took us over 3
hours! My legs were so sore I thought I'd never walk again. I swore I'd never
run 13.1 again!
FYI: Don't swear and don't say never.
I went on to run, let’s see to date I think I've ran approximately 9 - 1/2 marathons, maybe 10. I'd have to pull out all my medals and count them. I continued to run 5K's, the Mad Monk obstacle race (twice), a Spartan, a Zombie run, a Color run and TWO FULL MARATHONS.
I also competed in a competition
called Ultra Eagle - that was hard core. I was so disappointed in myself for
not completing it faster but I had just finished the Paris marathon 2 weeks earlier.
My nervous system and body were shot. I wanted to finish it in like 18-20
minutes. It took me closer to 30, I don't remember the exact time. I remember
being upset and saying I didn't do it. Only to hear my trainer and friend
Jessica inform me that YES I DID!
I continually pushed myself, not because I had to but because I
had fallen in love with fitness! I loved seeing what I was capable of. These
bodies that God gave us are magnificent when put to the test and
capable of far more than some of us can imagine.
I went from 155 pounds down to 127 and back to my comfortable 133. Then life threw some pretty nasty curve balls at me and I did not handle that well. My marriage went through a really rocky place, we lost 5 family members in 7 months and we moved back to the United States. June 2013-June 2014 is a year I never wish to see again.
And sadly as I sit here writing this to you I must admit a few things to you. Things I want you to know because I want you to view me as more than a Coach or a Trainer. I want you to view me as a friend who has been and is there too! Life is full of experiences! Some of them knock us down so hard we are unsure if we’ll ever get back up. Some of them are great and we feel like a million bucks. Either way, every experience is a lesson and with every lesson we gain wisdom in which we can share with our friends and hopefully allow the brighter side of life to shine through a little more.
I’m human and the author of my own
life, unfortunately I’m writing in pen. So I can’t erase my mistakes and I’ve
made them…lots of them.
I’m not perfect and I don’t aim to be.
I’m currently starting my fitness journey over! At 171
pounds!!! I’ve never been this heavy in my life! I hate it! I also
know what to do about it.
I still LOVE fitness. I
love the way it makes me feel!
I LOVE helping others.
I love walking this journey with friends.
It’s time to see how
well I bounce back.. That's the journey I am on. I'm on my
way back to being the fun, healthy and happy Tonya I was becoming in England. If you are on a similar journey and I would love to help you through it; to be
a support system for you, to encourage you and to help you succeed because in
helping others, I too, succeed. It all starts with the decision to TRY.
I look forward to traveling this journey with you!
~Coach Tonya~
I AM a Beachbody Coach. You WILL see posts in regards to Beachbody
posted. You WILL see me promoting
this company. Now that we have that out of the way let’s get on with being
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